Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trunk or Treat was a Success!

Yesterday M was able to wear her costume to school, L and T brought theirs. M was so excited to wear her costume that she was bouncing around. She worked something out with sister for L's costume, and she was great going to school. There wasn't any yelling in the morning at all which makes Mommy a happy girl.

After school M was excited, but not overly hyper. She said that she only had a few pieces of candy at school which was a good thing. When L and T got home they talked about their parties and the goodies they got to eat at school. Sometimes this triggers a very jealous reaction in M, but not this time. She was happy for them and didn't get upset. Wow! I didn't even have to remind her that if she wasn't good that she wouldn't be able to go to Trunk or Treat at L and T's school.

We all ate dinner and the kids ate well. They were informed that they had to eat well if they wanted candy so they did. I was worried about taking the three of them by myself because my hubby had to help set up the pool for a swim meet. The kids aren't swimming, but we are still willing to help them out. Hopefully the kids will be swimming again before too long. The kids went round and round to the different cars collecting candy. The kids were allowed to go around as many times as they wanted. At one point M complained that she was really cold, but she wanted to go around one more time. No problem, I had to find the other two kids anyway.

When it was time to go, nobody got upset. I think they were done and they had more than enough candy. At home they checked out their loot and I let them each pick three pieces of candy to eat before packing the candy up. I told them all that if I found out that they were sneaking candy that it would all get thrown away. M has a really bad problem with hording food, especially candy, in her room. She also has reactive hypoglycemia so if she has too much sugar without protein to help balance things out she has a lot of trouble controlling her behavior. I felt bad because I checked her twice to make sure she didn't sneak candy, but she hadn't :)

It's almost 9am and M is still sleeping, but I need to get her up soon so she can take her medicine. Today is a party at their friend's house and I know they are excited. I'm looking forward to a great day.

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