Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trunk or Treat was a Success!

Yesterday M was able to wear her costume to school, L and T brought theirs. M was so excited to wear her costume that she was bouncing around. She worked something out with sister for L's costume, and she was great going to school. There wasn't any yelling in the morning at all which makes Mommy a happy girl.

After school M was excited, but not overly hyper. She said that she only had a few pieces of candy at school which was a good thing. When L and T got home they talked about their parties and the goodies they got to eat at school. Sometimes this triggers a very jealous reaction in M, but not this time. She was happy for them and didn't get upset. Wow! I didn't even have to remind her that if she wasn't good that she wouldn't be able to go to Trunk or Treat at L and T's school.

We all ate dinner and the kids ate well. They were informed that they had to eat well if they wanted candy so they did. I was worried about taking the three of them by myself because my hubby had to help set up the pool for a swim meet. The kids aren't swimming, but we are still willing to help them out. Hopefully the kids will be swimming again before too long. The kids went round and round to the different cars collecting candy. The kids were allowed to go around as many times as they wanted. At one point M complained that she was really cold, but she wanted to go around one more time. No problem, I had to find the other two kids anyway.

When it was time to go, nobody got upset. I think they were done and they had more than enough candy. At home they checked out their loot and I let them each pick three pieces of candy to eat before packing the candy up. I told them all that if I found out that they were sneaking candy that it would all get thrown away. M has a really bad problem with hording food, especially candy, in her room. She also has reactive hypoglycemia so if she has too much sugar without protein to help balance things out she has a lot of trouble controlling her behavior. I felt bad because I checked her twice to make sure she didn't sneak candy, but she hadn't :)

It's almost 9am and M is still sleeping, but I need to get her up soon so she can take her medicine. Today is a party at their friend's house and I know they are excited. I'm looking forward to a great day.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

All's Quiet on the Western Front

We had our appointment yesterday and it went well. It wasn't what I expected, it was a counselor rather than a psychiatrist. That's ok though. The woman we saw was thorough on the intake and had lots of things for M to do with her hands. We will be seeing a different therapist and we meet her next week. She is a family therapist so she will do work with the whole family which is nice. L and T have not been able to talk to anyone about what they go through so I am hoping that they will get some help there.

Tuesday and Wednesday M was really rough, quite irritable, and was on a war path. Wed night I told her that if she kept it up there would be no Trick or Treating at all this weekend, and she would only get to go to one party rather than two. That one party is at my mom's house and my 6 year-old niece is throwing it. So long as M is stable I don't want to punish my niece by keeping M away. She has been trying really hard. Our day wasn't perfect, but it was a whole lot better.

This morning we didn't have anything for M (or the other kids) to take for lunch. After M got on the bus the rest of us went to the store to pick some stuff up. I brought M's lunch to school and dropped it off. She was not angry this morning when I didn't have things for her to take right then :) This is an improvement. After school M normally has yearbook, but didn't today so she was home before me. She called and was totally fine. When I got home she even thanked me for bringing her lunch even though it wasn't exactly what she had asked for. That is huge too! I was so happy!

Tonight M was snippy with L because L wants to borrow leggings for her Halloween costume and M didn't want to share. I talked to each girl separately and I think that things will be fine. Hopefully M will take her medication first thing in the morning again tomorrow and that will help the morning go smoothly. I'm working hard on not worrying about Monday (and Tuesday, Wed, etc) when she's on a sugar roller coaster. I'm trying to embrace the good behavior whenever I can and I am showering her with praise for it.

Overall today was a very good day! :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I find that I am tired a lot lately, and I think that a lot of it is just being tired of ADHD/ODD determining how the family will run. Currently I am in the living room with L, M is in the connected dining room, and T is in his bedroom. M is doing origami at the table, something she loves. If anyone makes a sound, with the possible exception of to respond to a question posed by M, then M gets upset and tells the person to be quiet. Sometimes she says "be quiet", sometimes it's "shut-up", and sometimes it's a scream or worse. Why should she get to dictate that the other kids can't sing or laugh or make funny noises? She doesn't get upset when she sings and certainly doesn't stop when asked.

This is a battle that I could definitely pick, and sometimes I do. When she refrains from being really rude or hurtful I tend to let it slide. Like this afternoon, she told them to stop making noises so I didn't interfere. On days when she insists on singing while not allowing anyone else to or when she says "shut-up!", screams, etc, then I will do something about it. I still feel like crap for letting her dictate the lives of the rest of us though. I am tired of it, very, very tired.

Quiet.... I should have known that was too much to ask

Well, I was hoping for a quiet night, but that didn't happen. When the girls went to bed there was a lot of yelling from the room. When possible I try to let them work things out so I stayed out of it for the most part. I did go in at one point and L got quite upset. Dad had been in there and didn't let L speak and then when I went in I didn't want to hear her side. She was crushed. I explained, however, that I knew that L was not at fault and I was not upset with her. I know my girls and if L had talked about the argument that M would have escalated more which is not what we wanted.

Well, I thought it was going to get better, but then L decided to argue just to argue. She wanted a "comforter", but M told her that it was a "quilt". Rather than just dropping it, L insisted that the quilt was a comforter and wouldn't relent. Of course, M just got madder and madder. Dad went in, straightened that out and told them they had 2 min until the light was going out. If they turned it back on then he was going to shut off the breaker to their room. He got them laughing, and they left the light off. I'm really glad that it was him that went in because I was so frustrated that I didn't know what to do. At least there wasn't any violence. The yelling stinks, but at least nobody got hurt.

So far this morning has been quiet. M snuck some skittles this morning even though she isn't supposed to have candy this early. Otherwise it's been pretty mild. I'm bribing M though and if she's good then we will go to Starbucks for breakfast and go where she wants for lunch. We have her appointment at 10am, and since it's a long appointment and a ways from home she'll be out of school all day. She's usually pretty good when the other kids aren't around so I anticipate a good morning and afternoon.

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Bit Rough Today...Big Day Tomorrow

This morning we woke up a bit late, so M was 20 min late getting up too. For the most part the morning was uneventful though. The only issue we had at all was M lacking a hood on a very rainy day. I ended up driving her down to the bus stop though she normally walks.

When M got out of school I received a phone call from the "house phone", our third cell phone that we generally keep home. M asked if I could pick her up from the bus stop. I said I would, but then she missed her stop so she just stayed on the bus a while longer. Fortunately the same bus picks up L and T to bring them home so M just remained on the bus. It turns out that M was texting grandma (she's not supposed to text at all from that phone) at the time her bus was at our stop so that's why she failed to get off of the bus.

The kids got home and M got to work on her homework. On one of her math problems she started screaming stating that her teacher didn't cover that concept so she just wasn't going to do it. M started throwing things a bit and was extremely agitated. I tried to look at the problem, but she wouldn't let me near so I left her alone. I guess in the end she went back to it and did that problem after all. After her math M had a snack of a couple Nature Valley peanut butter bars. These are a pretty good snack for her because they have a bit of protein without having tons of sugar.

I must say that I was proud when she didn't get in the middle of L and T arguing. She stayed focused on her book report that she was working on :) Woohoo!!! L was keeping T's flip-flop from him and teasing him with it. When he got it from her he hit her in the chest with it, so they both got a time-out. M just kept working away.

Dinner went pretty well. I am tired and will be heading for bed soon. Hopefully bedtime for the kids will go smoothly. I can't wait to see what the psychiatrist has to say about M tomorrow. It should be interesting. Things have been getting a bit out of hand lately so I need this appointment as much as she does. We haven't been to a psychiatrist yet, just psychologists and pediatricians. Hopefully it will all go well :) I'll update tomorrow when I know more.