Thursday, November 4, 2010

Migraine, Migraine Go AWAY!

I've had a terrible migraine all week long which has had me on the couch or in bed much of the time. It's still here, but I had to come post. This morning M was trying to find her lunch and was terribly disappointed that she couldn't find it. I'd found a bag of candy (about 1/2 of which was chocolate) and put it up on top of the fridge. She can't have chocolate at all, but apparently this is the "lunch" she was planning to take to school.

To make things even better, M spilled a bunch of her pills and I can't get a refill until tomorrow. She didn't have any for today and tomorrow I'll either have to keep her out of school for a bit while we go get the prescription and have it filled or I will have to bring it to her about 10 or 10:30 when I can finally get it to her at school.

Fortunately she has an appointment with the counselor today. Fortunately my mom lives nearby so she will be driving us there. I'm in no condition to drive anywhere :( Hopefully this will go away soon and hopefully the counselor will get through to M a little bit today.

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