Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quiet.... I should have known that was too much to ask

Well, I was hoping for a quiet night, but that didn't happen. When the girls went to bed there was a lot of yelling from the room. When possible I try to let them work things out so I stayed out of it for the most part. I did go in at one point and L got quite upset. Dad had been in there and didn't let L speak and then when I went in I didn't want to hear her side. She was crushed. I explained, however, that I knew that L was not at fault and I was not upset with her. I know my girls and if L had talked about the argument that M would have escalated more which is not what we wanted.

Well, I thought it was going to get better, but then L decided to argue just to argue. She wanted a "comforter", but M told her that it was a "quilt". Rather than just dropping it, L insisted that the quilt was a comforter and wouldn't relent. Of course, M just got madder and madder. Dad went in, straightened that out and told them they had 2 min until the light was going out. If they turned it back on then he was going to shut off the breaker to their room. He got them laughing, and they left the light off. I'm really glad that it was him that went in because I was so frustrated that I didn't know what to do. At least there wasn't any violence. The yelling stinks, but at least nobody got hurt.

So far this morning has been quiet. M snuck some skittles this morning even though she isn't supposed to have candy this early. Otherwise it's been pretty mild. I'm bribing M though and if she's good then we will go to Starbucks for breakfast and go where she wants for lunch. We have her appointment at 10am, and since it's a long appointment and a ways from home she'll be out of school all day. She's usually pretty good when the other kids aren't around so I anticipate a good morning and afternoon.

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