Monday, October 25, 2010

A Bit Rough Today...Big Day Tomorrow

This morning we woke up a bit late, so M was 20 min late getting up too. For the most part the morning was uneventful though. The only issue we had at all was M lacking a hood on a very rainy day. I ended up driving her down to the bus stop though she normally walks.

When M got out of school I received a phone call from the "house phone", our third cell phone that we generally keep home. M asked if I could pick her up from the bus stop. I said I would, but then she missed her stop so she just stayed on the bus a while longer. Fortunately the same bus picks up L and T to bring them home so M just remained on the bus. It turns out that M was texting grandma (she's not supposed to text at all from that phone) at the time her bus was at our stop so that's why she failed to get off of the bus.

The kids got home and M got to work on her homework. On one of her math problems she started screaming stating that her teacher didn't cover that concept so she just wasn't going to do it. M started throwing things a bit and was extremely agitated. I tried to look at the problem, but she wouldn't let me near so I left her alone. I guess in the end she went back to it and did that problem after all. After her math M had a snack of a couple Nature Valley peanut butter bars. These are a pretty good snack for her because they have a bit of protein without having tons of sugar.

I must say that I was proud when she didn't get in the middle of L and T arguing. She stayed focused on her book report that she was working on :) Woohoo!!! L was keeping T's flip-flop from him and teasing him with it. When he got it from her he hit her in the chest with it, so they both got a time-out. M just kept working away.

Dinner went pretty well. I am tired and will be heading for bed soon. Hopefully bedtime for the kids will go smoothly. I can't wait to see what the psychiatrist has to say about M tomorrow. It should be interesting. Things have been getting a bit out of hand lately so I need this appointment as much as she does. We haven't been to a psychiatrist yet, just psychologists and pediatricians. Hopefully it will all go well :) I'll update tomorrow when I know more.

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